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Create your own cyanotype print at home in the style of Anna Atkins, who is considered to be a pioneering female photographer.

Teach yourself how to make sun prints, otherwise known as a cyanotype - this type of printing is unique in that it is a form of photography that does not require a camera or an expensive darkroom.

Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost process to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints.

The printing process is accessible, super easy and you will be able to create a stunning final work of art with its signature Prussian blue colour within minutes!


I have successfully made prints in doors during the winter months - just place near a window to expose to UV light.

The printing process is accessible, super easy and you will be able to create a stunning final work of art with its signature Prussian blue colour within minutes!


Your kit includes:


  • Bottle of ‘Part A’ Potassium Ferricyanide powder – 9g
  • Bottle of ‘Part B’ Ferric Ammonium Citrate powder – 21.5g
  • x6 A6 (105x148mm) blank 240gsm cards
  • x6 120gsm envelopes
  • x6 pre cut card to print on
  • 'How to' Instructions

Suitable for age 10+ with adult supervision.

10% of sale proceeds donated to WWF (World Wildlife Fund)


I use recycled materials whenever possible.


Please note: Product aesthetics may vary due to external supplier availability. The kit will always be supplied with the same contents.  


For the avoidance of doubt, the cyanotype fabric print in the picture is not supplied and is for illustration purposes only.

DIY Cyanotype Greetings Card Printing Kit

  • DIY Greetings Card Printing Kit. Teach yourself how to make a sun print, otherwise known as a cyanotype - this type of printing is unique in that it is a form of photography that does not require a camera or an expensive darkroom.  10% of sale proceeds donated to WWF (World Wildlife Fund).  Price includes P&P for UK customers.  I am also running an online workshop - see my Workshops for details.

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